
Dear Mum,

If you send me the address for the Hotmail account I’ll see if I can get it set up to send these posts to! Hope Paul and his enormous family are all okay. Joshua definitely seems to have some natural history genes, but not sure if they have skipped a generation on my side or come straight from Deanne (more likely)!

This morning Joshua and I had some chores to do. First and foremost was taking his library books and DVD back, which we did first thing. He got three more books and another Pooh DVD out and has already watched the DVD all the way through once, then part way through in French (his decision, not mine) and had two of the three stories, one before we collected Deanne this afternoon, one at bedtime.

We also went to the bank to pay in some money Bob gave us, because the man can’t seem to stop giving us money. Not that we’re ungrateful but I hope he isn’t making himself short of cash for our sakes. There was an indoor farm at Bull Creek shopping centre so we had a quick look at the animals, then went to the pharmacy so I could buy some more blood test sticks.

After lunch we had to go to the bank again to get a cheque made out so we could go buy Deanne’s new car. We picked her up from work and went straight to Fremantle so she could collect it, so now we’re a two-car-family and almost have a house (roll on Thursday).

Tomorrow I’m going to take Joshua to the Dinosaur Discovery exhibition at the Museum of WA, it has lots of animatronic prehistoric Australian reptiles and should be a good way to amuse Joshua for the afternoon.



Joshua Doing A Dinosaur Roar

Joshua Doing A Dinosaur Roar

About Dan Ladle

Part Man, Part Machine, All Diabetic. 1 Wife, 1 Son, 1 Daughter, 1 Cat, 1 Insulin Pump, Type 1 Diabetic, Writer, Musician, Web-Monkey, Idiot. View all posts by Dan Ladle

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